Measuring Cognitive Effort in Translation and Post-editing-Isabel Lacruz
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Measuring Cognitive Effort in Translation and Post-editing-Isabel Lacruz
Measuring Cognitive Effort in Translation and Post-editing
Isabel Lacruz Kent State University
The three‐way relationship between effort, speed, and quality makes it important for translation process researchers to find ways to understand and measure the effort that translators exert as they carry out their professional work. We discuss the history and development of this research, tracing back to its origins in cognitive psychology, specifically the endeavor to understand the bilingual mind. We indicate how paradigms from cognitive psychology have been adapted to empirical research in translation to investigate cognitive effort in translation and post‐editing. We outline signifcant results that have been obtained so far and propose possible avenues for future research.
Isabel Lacruz received her PhD in Experimental Psychology (Cognitive) from Kent State University where she is now Associate Professor of Translation Studies. She teaches doctoral courses on Translation and Cognition and Empirical Research Methods for Translation, as well as master level translation practice courses. Lacruz’s current research interests include investigation of the mental processes involved in translation and post-editing. She has published many theoretical and empirical articles on cognitive aspects of translation and post-editing.
★★★★★ 5/5