Habits of a champion and how to win in life

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Habits of a champion and how to win in life

Habits of a champion and how to win in life

Silvia  原创编译

And welcome back to GMA. Today’s Weekend Download advise on how to achieve success I your life no matter what you do. Former New York Yankee’s performance coach Dana Cavalea is the author of Habits of A Champion. And he joins us in this morning. Thank you so much for being here. Congratulations on the book by the way.
Thank you.

I love the concept that it doesn’t matter what your job is, where you are in life, but you can be successful. Why did you decide to write this book?
Well, I realized, you know, like the title says, the habits of a champion, there are habits, distinct habits that you need to perform each day in order to be a champion in life. And that’s life as a mother, and that’s life, you know, in business, it’s life as an athlete. There are a set of habits that, you know, you have to perform each and every day in order to a championship life.
Speaking of those habits, in your book you stressed consistency. Why is that so critical?
Well, so most people struggle to do the same thing each and every day, but the reality is if you want to have success in all that you do, you got to be consistent in your patterns and your habits each and every day. So you can’t do one thing on Monday, something different on Tuesday, and expect to have a result over time. It’s about what you do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that yields that ultimate result.
Truly important, and you also in one of your chapters you said never get too high or too low. Why is that?
Yeah. In all my years working with the professional athletes I realized that the great ones are able to be consistent in their mood every single day. And what that allowed them to do was keep their energy and under control because you’re spiking up with happiness and you’re going down in your mood. That wears you down over time so we got to keep your energy stable and we do that by being consistent in our overall moods and attitudes.
And another theme from another chapter. Fail to plan, plan to fail. What does that mean?
Again, so nobody becomes a champion by accident, you know, it’s a planned event so you can’t just go into your day guessing and saying “Well what am I going to do today?” You got to plan it the night before. Attack your day and you will be playing offense and that offense , again is gonna lead you to more championship performances and wins over time.
Fantastic. Dana Cavalea, advice from a champion. Thank you so much. We’ll appreciate.




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