
王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作

口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告




现任国家社科项目以及省部级社科项目盲审专家、美国科学出版集团(Science Publishing Group)应用语言学与翻译学国际期刊(International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation) 等 3 家期刊,国内多家外语名刊口译学研究、翻译学研究、应用语言学等稿件盲审专家和期刊编委。研究方向为口译理论与实践(口译学、口译认知心理学)、翻译学、应用语言学等。获部级奖项 2 项,卡西欧奖 10 项,主持国家项目、省部级研究项目等 10 余项。在 International Journal of Language and Linguistics, Journal of Literature and Art Studies 等国际期刊,《外语与外语教学》《中国外语》等国内外期刊发表期刊论文 100 多篇,出版专著、教材等 50 多部。

发言题目:英汉带稿同传中的眼动研究(A Study of Eye Tracking in E-C Simultaneous Interpreting with Texts)
发言摘要:With the advancement of eye tracking technology, interpreting studies are no longer limited to the analyses of output. Most of previous eye tracking researches in interpreting mainly focus on sight translation (written texts to oral texts). The present study investigates the cognitive process of simultaneous interpreting with texts (visual and auditory inputs to oral outputs). Eye tracking method is used to record the data of eye movements and process of interpreting so as to investigate the relationship between test scores and eye movements. The dependent variable is student interpreters’ performance measured by their test scores of interpreting tasks. The independent variables include visit duration, fixation duration, visit count, fixation count, and time to first fixation. Through regression analyses, the findings are that test scores are not linearly related to any variable of eye movements. Test scores and eye movements are not fitted with the quadratic model. After analyzing the curve, it is further found that test scores and eye movements are not fitted with the other nine models (compound, growth, logarithmic, cubic, S, exponential, inverse, power, logistic). Therefore, there is no statistical correlation between test scores and eye movements. As eye movement data are often considered a symbol of cognitive load of interpreters, this study shows that in simultaneous interpreting with texts, cognitive load is not a major factor affecting test scores. The potential reason is the reduction of working memory burden on the interpreters due to visual input of source texts in addition to auditory input. The results of this research will be helpful to provide some pedagogical implication to interpreting teaching and research.

生态与认知翻译2019 专题栏目


