【回看】2019年第二届翻译教育国际研讨会 机助译员训练 (CATT): 人机之间
王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作
口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告
继2014年首届翻译教育国际研讨会“计算机辅助翻译教学:理论、实践与新技术”(ICTE 2014,香港)成功举办之后,2019年第二届翻译教育国际研讨会(ICTE 2019,深圳)将继续围绕口笔译教学与实践、课堂与线上翻译教学等主题进行探讨。两天的会议将提供一个独特的平台,让翻译教学与实践及语言服务行业的专家同仁聚首,就以下方面交流经验,发表研发成果和理论洞见:
1) 计算机辅助或基于语料库的翻译教学模式对于旨在提高学习者双语水平和职业能力的翻译研究与翻译教育的意义;
2) 计算机辅助翻译教学系统的设计、构建和使用与提高课堂及线上翻译教学效率的关系;
3) 计算机辅助翻译学习在实际教育环境中应用的优劣;
4) 如何通过计算机辅助的译员训练(computer-aided translator training, CATT)模式提高学习者使用计算机辅助翻译(computer-aided translation, CAT)软件的信心;以及
5) 计算机辅助和语料库支持下的翻译研究与译员训练模式发展新趋势。
2019年8月24日 | |
08:30-09:00 |
开幕式 [W201] |
09:00-09:50 |
主旨发言一 [W201] |
10:20-11:10 |
主旨发言二 [W201] |
11:10-12:00 |
主旨发言三 [W201] |
13:30-15:00 |
专题研讨一 |
15:20-16:50 |
专题研讨二 |
17:00-18:15 |
工作坊 [TD414] |
2019年8月25日 | |
09:00-09:50 |
主旨发言四 [W201] |
10:10-11:00 |
主旨发言五 [W201] |
11:00-11:30 |
合作与发展 [W201] |
13:00-15:00 |
专题研讨三 |
15:30-16:30 |
圆桌讨论 [W201] 协调人: 庄颖异 |
16:30-17:00 |
闭幕式 [W201] |
TB105 | TB104 | TB103 | TB102 |
Computer-Aided Translator Training | Technology & Translator Competence | Machine Translation & Database | Computer-Aided Translation |
Integration of CAT and language resources into CATT through digital humanities research infrastructures Vesna LUSICKY |
AI时代口译员技术应用能力实证研究:问题与对策 王华树(Huashu WANG) |
基于语义分解观的机器语义识别与机器翻译 孔蕾(Lei KONG) |
计算机翻译的伦理与优弊 张琳琳(Linlin ZHANG) |
Feasibility and Acceptability of In-Depth Annotated Parallel Corpus-Aided Translation Teaching 王惠(Hui WANG) |
SPOC教学模式在翻译技术能力培养中的应用研究 彭文青(Wenqing PENG) |
A Review of Discourse Analysis Research in Machine Translation Domain: Based on an Analysis of the Scientific Map 张霄军(Xiaojun ZHANG) |
浅谈计算机辅助翻译及机助译员的角色 郭晓晨 (Xiaochen GUO) |
The use of meta-language in translation revision Hui PIAO |
基于动态评估模式的计算机辅助翻译教学实证研究——以译者ICT能力培养为导向 沙璐(Lu SHA) |
Bibliometrics databases should check data validity when collecting the bibliographic metadata 黄美婷(Meiting HUANG) |
TB105 |
TB104 |
TB103 |
TB102 |
Computer-Aided Translator Training |
Corpus-Based Translator Training |
Translation Pedagogy |
Visuals, Language & Communication |
The Theoretical Conception and Engineering Practice of a Corpus-based Computer-assisted Translation Teaching Platform 朱玉彬(Yubin ZHU) |
Corpus-based approach to investigate additions, deletions and moves in news translation between English and Japanese, and its implication to teaching Mika TAKEWA |
基于全过程交互式教学法的英语翻译教学 张林影(Linying ZHANG) |
Mental Processes in the Interlingual and Intersemiotic Translation of Leisurely Freedom in Wang Wei’s “Zhongnan Retreat” 江承志(Chengzhi JIANG) |
An Exploration on Computer-aided Translation Curriculum Design: Improving Students’ Data Handling Capacity 张嘉(Jia ZHANG) |
Use of Parallel Corpus in Translation Teaching: What do Students Say? Kanglong LIU |
大数据背景下交互式教学模式在翻译教学中的应用与研究 苏秀云(Xiuyun SU) |
Investigating the shared attention during simultaneous interpreting: a multimodal-input analysis Tianyun LI |
计算机辅助翻译教学在实际教育环境中应用的优劣及策略 Advantages and Disadvantages of CAT Teaching in Practical Education Environment and Strategies 司雨(Yu SI) |
Emancipating Beginning Translators’ Passive Words/Phrases with the Tool of BFSU PowerCon 宋歌(Ge SONG) |
运用文本分析工具进行译者风格研究在翻译教学中的应用 何荷(He HE) |
A Corpus-based Empirical Study on Experiential Construal in Translation for International Communication 杨雯婷(Wenting YANG) |
TB105 |
TB104 |
TB103 |
TB102 |
Post-Editing |
CAT & Translation Memory |
Translator Training & Assessment |
Translation & Society |
基于使用者感知与实际使用的机器翻译译后编辑可用性实证研究 王婷婷(Tingting WANG) |
On Methods to Improve CAT Text from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence 李立欣(Lixin LI) |
Computer Assisted Student Interpreters’ Self-assessment: Ways and Inspiration 刘梦莲(Menglian LIU) |
印度主流媒体报道中的中国形象研究:以“洞朗”事件为例 Xiaojun LU |
译后编辑能力与翻译能力关系探究 吴娜(Na WU) |
Construction and Application of Translation Memory for MATE ROV Competition Language Service 赵浩(Hao ZHAO) |
基于机器学习的汉译英计算机辅助评估系统构建The Building of a Computer-assisted Assessing System for Chinese-to-English Translation on the Basis of Machine Learning 王小曼(Xiaoman WANG) |
基于网络的农业科技翻译教学——以《你不知道的美国食肉史》为例 李平(Ping LI) |
Pre/Post-Editing Method’s Application in the Machine Translated Conversation Sijia LIU |
Construction and Application of Engineering Bilingual Parallel Corpus 曾惠婷(Huiting ZENG) |
基于理工专门语料库的译员培养研究 黎斌 (Bin LI) |
浅谈翻译中的文化现象 热孜万古丽.依布拉音 |
译后编辑对人工智能翻译软件的优化方法研究 魏倩楠(Qiannan WEI) |
基于语料库的旅游翻译教学研究 林蓓蓓(Beibei LIN) |
CATT: Putting the Mind Where the Mouth Is
Chunshen ZHU received his PhD from the University of Nottingham in 1993, and is currently Professor of Translation Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Guest Professor at Beijing University of Foreign Studies and Honorary Research Fellow at Centre for Translation Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. Prior to this, he was a professor at the City University of Hong Kong. He is also an editorial board member for Chinese Translators Journal and ITT. His academic interests include translation studies, applied linguistics, machine-aided translator training, literature and literary translation, poetics and stylistics. His research has been published since 1986 in journals such as Chinese Translators Journal, META, Target, Multilingua, TTR, Journal of Pragmatics, ITT, Semiotica, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, and Journal of Information Science, and has won the Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Award three times (2000, 2001 and 2006).
Yuanyuan MU is currently Director of Center for Translation Studies and Specialized Corpora, Hefei University of Technology, and Associate Professor at School of Foreign Studies, Hefei University of Technology. She received her doctoral degree from City University of Hong Kong in 2012. She had also worked at City University of Hong Kong as Senior Research Assistant/Associate from May 2011 to October 2013 before joining China University of Science and Technology as Associate Professor in January 2014. Her research interests include corpus-based translation studies, translation teaching and Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Translation, Computer and Corpus
Mark Shuttleworth has been involved in translation studies research and teaching since 1993, at the University of Leeds, Imperial College London, University College London and, most recently, Hong Kong Baptist University. His publications include the Dictionary of Translation Studies, as well as articles on translation technology teaching, metaphor in translation, translation and the web, and Wikipedia translation. The use of digital methodologies in translation studies research is also an interest of his. His monograph on scientific metaphor in translation, Studying Scientific Metaphor in Translation, was published in 2017 and he is currently working on a second edition of the Dictionary. He has addressed industry conferences in the UK, Italy and Brazil on the subject of translation technology and has provided training in the same area in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Tunisia and Malaysia.
Corpora in Translator Training: Applications and Implications
HU Kaibao is a professor of Translation Studies and dean of the Institute of Corpus Research and Applications, Shanghai International Studies, Shanghai, China. He is a member of China National Committee for Graduate Program of Master of Translation and Interpretation. His main research interests are corpus-based translation studies and discourse analysis. He has published widely on corpus-based translation studies and discourse analysis, and has been involved in the compilation of the English-Chinese Parallel Corpora of Shakespeare’s Plays, Chinese-English Conference Interpreting Corpus and Modern English-Chinese and Chinese-English Parallel Corpora in the past few years. He is author of The Historical Text of English-Chinese Dictionaries and the Evolution of the Chinese Language (Yiwen Press, 2005, in Chinese), An Introduction to Corpus-based Translation Studies (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2011, in Chinese), Introducing Corpus-based Translation Studies (Springer, 2015, in English), A Corpus-based Study of the Chinese Translations of Shakespeare’s Plays (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2015, in Chinese) , A Corpus-based Study of Chinese-English Press Conference Interpreting (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015, in Chinese), Corpus-based Translation Studies (Shang Jiao Tong University Press, 2018, in Chinese) and Introducing Corpus-based Critical Translation Studies (Higher Education Press, 2018, in Chinese)
Development of Technology in Interpreting and Interpreter Training and Its Implication for Redefining Interpreter Competence
Prof Binhua WANG is Chair/professor of interpreting and translation studies and director of MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies at University of Leeds. He is Fellow of the “Chartered Institute of Linguists” (CIOL), vice chair of the academic committee of “World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (WITTA)” and also editorial board member of Babel, International Journal of Translation. His research has focused on various aspects of interpreting and translation studies, in which he has published over 50 articles including around 40 in refereed CSSCI/Core journals and SSCI/A&HCI journals and over a dozen peer-reviewed book chapters. He has authored the monographs Theorising Interpreting Studies (2019) and A Descriptive Study of Norms in Interpreting (2013). His textbooks of interpreter training are also widely used in China’s MTI and BTI programmes. He is an academic reviewer for some CSSCI and SSCI/A&HCI journals and some major international publishers such as Routledge, John Benjamins, Palgrave Macmillan and Springer Nature.
Revisiting the Future of Translation Technology
Chan Sin-wai teaches translation technology at the School of Humanities and Social Science of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and is currently President of the Association of Translation Technology. He has, to date, authored, edited, and translated 57 academic books in 75 volumes. His books on translation technology include The Human Factor in Machine Translation (Routledge 2018), The Future of Translation Technology: Towards a World without Babel (Routledge 2017), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology (Routledge 2015), New Vistas in Translation Technology (in Chinese) (Tsinghua University Press 2014), The Teaching of Computer-aided Translation (Chinese University Press 2010), A Topical Bibliography of Computer (-aided) Translation (Chinese University Press 2008), A Dictionary of Translation Technology (Chinese University Press 2004), and Translation and Information Technology (Chinese University Press 2002).
Towards a Knowledge Management Model for Computer-Aided Translator Training
This workshop aims at demonstrating a knowledge management model for computer-aided translator training with special reference to an on-line translation teaching and learning platform. The platform features a computable network of inter-related and hierarchically distributed conceptual representations of the knowledge in this field. The network utilizes “tag-words” as knowledge cells to mark out a roadmap of navigation and also as keywords to introduce theory-informed annotations. This knowledge management system of tag-words aims to advance our understanding of how the knowledge of language and use of language can be modeled in the source language context and remodeled in different settings of the target language context. With the help of this knowledge management system, we may explore the ontological representations of translation and provide navigational aids and data-mining facilities capable of suggesting effective learning pathways for learners. Facilitated by the platform, learning activities can be related to learners’ behavioral patterns of knowledge construction via text annotations, topical boards and exercises in completing specific translation learning tasks. The platform may also generate empirical data for pedagogical research in translation studies.
Email: icte2019@cuhk.edu.cn
本届大会将与IGI Global出版社旗下的国际期刊International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics(ISSN: 2575-6974|EISSN: 2575-6982|DOI: 10.4018/IJTIAL)合编一期特刊,主题为计算机辅助译员训练,欢迎参会的英文论文作者提交全文,通过评审的论文将在该特刊出版。论文提交须知可参见:http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/。
★★★★★ 5/5