Interpreting today, Issues, challenges and opportunities-Maurizio Viezzi
王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作
口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告

Interpreting today, Issues, challenges and opportunities-Maurizio Viezzi
Interpreting today, Issues, challenges and opportunities
Maurizio Viezzi is professor of simultaneous and consecutive interpreting from English into Italian at the University of Trieste (Italy), and adjunct professor of Italian translation and interpreting at the University of Turku (Finland). He has published extensively on different aspects of translation and interpreting and lectured in several European and non-European universities.
His main research interests are interpretation quality, public service interpreting, and the translation of book and film titles.
He was Vice-President of CIUTI from 2006 to 2012 and has been President of CIUTI since 2015.
He was President of the European Language Council from 2013 to 2015.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of Babel and member of the International Scientific Council of the People’s Friendship University of Russia (Moscow).
In 2017 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Translatology by Moscow State Linguistic University.
The paper will discuss some of the main issues that characterise the interpreting world today and are likely to characterise the interpreting world in the near future. The discussion will cover both conference interpreting and public service interpreting.
Maurizio Viezzi以“当今口译面临的问题、挑战和机遇”为主题,从多个角度切入,探讨口译现状。关于口译质量,他表示虽然欧盟已经制定相关法律,现实中却很难衡量。在欧洲一些国家,依然存在对口译员的误解。他例证了口译的调解功能;认为优秀的口译员需要一定天赋,外加大量学习,并指出如今口译学生的年龄、学习方式和沟通方式都跟以往不同,建议基于新变化开展口译培训。对于技术革新给翻译员带来的挑战,他强调,世界不是需要翻译员,而是需要被翻译和解读。谈及人类应对机器翻译的挑战,他认为时间成本、技术成本和翻译质量都应是关键考量因素。大会下午环节由协作组秘书长平洪主持。
《2019 BTI 年会》专题栏目
★★★★★ 5/5