A Historical View on the Translators’ Cognitive Process Reflected in the English Grammatical Terms Translation in China-陈坚林

王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作

口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告

A Historical View on the Translators’ Cognitive Process Reflected in the English Grammatical Terms Translation in China-陈坚林




Dr. Chen Jianlin is a Professor at Shanghai International Studies University (SHISU) where  he heads the research program of graduate studies in theory and practice of Foreign Language Education and Language Educational Policy. He has an MA. in Descriptive and Applied Linguistics (University of Essex) and a Ph.D. in English Language Education (SHISU). Prof.  Chen Jianlin worked on different issues in foreign language education related to curriculum development, education technology, web-based foreign language teaching and learning, teacher development in foreign language education, CALL course design, etc. With a 15-collection TV Program of language education, around 10 books and some 60 articles and book chapters to his credit, Prof. Chen Jianlin has also been Visiting Professor in several universities in China and America. Among his books are: Organization and Management in English Language Education; Theory and Methodology in Foreign Language Teaching Research; The Integration of Computer and Networks into Foreign Language Curriculum. His TV works “English for Primary School Pupils” shown on CCTV 2 (2004-2005) received the 2005 Award of first prize of Best TV Education Program from the China TV Educational Research Association (CTVERA). Since 2012, he is a vice-president of China CALL.

A Historical View on the Translators’ Cognitive Process Reflected in the English Grammatical Terms Translation in China

This speech, based on the historical cultural and cognitive perspectives of languages development, presents a historical view on the translators’ cognitive process reflected in the English grammatical terms translation in China and its implications on the foreign language translation teaching today. The arguments in the speech are presented in terms of the changes in translators’ cognitive process, majorly covering these issues: (a) the features and functions of traditional Chinese grammar in late Qing dynasty and Early Republican Period; (b) the early introduction of English grammar books through translation into China and its impacts on translators’ cognition of English grammatical terms; and (c) English grammatical terms translation as the triggers on the rapid development of translators’ cognitive process in China. The speech discusses the above issues majorly from the historical cultural and cognitive perspectives, triggering some reflections on the inadequacies of the present languages translation teaching and raising some hot issues for further research.


《2019 CATIC》专题栏目




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