The Idea Wants to Remain Still, but the Meaning Keeps Shifting: Textual Unrealities in the Digital World-Gavin Adair
王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作
口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告

Mr. Gavin Adair
Gavin Adair, previously an instructor of composition and literature at the City University of New York Kingsborough Community College, I have published poems in many American literary journals. Now in my my fourth year at Fudan, I regularly present on reading and writing teaching methodologies and translation and intercultural issues to audiences in Shanghai. My interests lie in multidisciplinary and critical studies, the rhetoric of the image, and metacognitive strategies to teaching integrated reading and writing to students at all levels.
The Idea Wants to Remain Still, but the Meaning Keeps Shifting: Textual Unrealities in the Digital World
Beginning with an analysis of different translations of Du Fu’s well-travelled 春 望 (“Spring View” or “View in Spring”) this article ultimately considers whether delight in mistranslations (amateur, machine, et al) and malapropisms (for example English phrases in various Chinese settings, primarily on clothing) must always constitute an orientalist act. Through considering various experimental poetics, such as Concrete Poetry, Flarf, and Russian Futurism, and ideas put forth by writers such as Barthes, an attempt is made to suss meaning out of what might be some of the emptiest, free-playing-est, of signifiers.
《2019 CATIC》专题栏目
★★★★★ 5/5
老师好棒ヾ ^_^♪,超级有才华的诗人老师o(^o^)o