英语诗歌与翻译-Jonathan Locke Hart (乔纳森•洛克•哈特)

王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作

口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告

英语诗歌与翻译-Jonathan Locke Hart (乔纳森•洛克•哈特)

英语诗歌与翻译-Jonathan Locke Hart (乔纳森•洛克•哈特)


English Poetry and Translation

Jonathan Locke Hart(乔纳森•洛克•哈特)

Jonathan Locke Hart is Chair Professor in Creative Writing, Comparative Literature, Theory, and Literature in English and Director, Centre for Creative Writing and Literary Translation and Culture at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is also Core Faculty in Comparative Literature at Western University and Life  Member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, he is a poet, writer of other genres, literary scholar and historian who studied at Toronto and Cambridge and has held visiting appointments at Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, Toronto, the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) and elsewhere. The author of many articles and over twenty books, including Theater and World (1992), Northrop Frye: The Theoretical Imagination (1994) and The Poetics of Otherness (2015), he has been writing since he was thirteen, and, for more than thirty years, his poetry has appeared in literary journals, such as Quarry, Grain, The Antigonish Review, Mattoid and Harvard Review. His books of poetry include, Breath and Dust, Dream China and The Burning Lake, out with Proverse in Hong Kong in late November 2016.

乔纳森•洛克•哈特,加拿大皇家科学院院士,上海交通大学首席教授,创意写作、文学翻译与文化研究中心主任,加拿大西安大略大学比较文学专业核心教师,剑桥大学卡莱尔学堂终身成员。哈特教授是著名诗人、作家、历史学家、文学研究专家,曾在多伦多大学、剑桥大学求学,曾在哈佛大学、剑桥大学、普林斯顿大学、多伦多大学、巴黎第三大学等世界著名高校访问任职。他发表论文众多,出版著作二十余部,代表作有:Theatre and World(《戏剧与世界》)(1992)、Northrop FryeThe Theoretical Imagination (《诺思洛普· 弗莱: 理论的想象》)(1994)、The Poetics of Otherness(《他者诗学》)(2015)。他自十三岁开始写作,三十多年来,他的诗歌广泛刊登于各类文学期刊,如:QuarryGrainThe Antigonish ReviewMattoid Harvard Review 等。他的诗集包括:Breath and Dust(《呼吸与尘土》)、Dream China(《梦见中国》)、The Burning Lake(《燃烧的湖》),香港 Proverse 出版社 2016 年 11 月底出版。

Abstract: This talk examines some key texts in English poetics from the Renaissance or early modern period onward and then ends by discussing Ezra Pound, translation and his place in English-speaking poetics and his use of Chinese to adapt and build  his poetry and the tradition in which he worked. So much depends on what might be considered translation, something that has a range of meanings. Before examining Ezra Pound, this talk will discuss translation in the context of English and other European languages and translation in relation to China and Chinese, from Eastern and Western perspectives. Translation is a rich, diverse and long-standing field of theory and practice.




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