How Pressed Juicery fed the juice craze

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How Pressed Juicery fed the juice craze

How Pressed Juicery fed the juice craze

Krystal  原创编译

How Pressed Juicery fed the juice craze
Pressed Juicery(美国网红果汁店)如何引领果汁热潮

Hayden Slater: Growing up in LA, health and wellness with a bit elitist at times. You have to do this or you have to do that. And it was really intimidating. You know when I started this company, it was really kind of this idea of you don’t have to do anything other than what feels right for you. Anyone can come in wherever they are and find something that suits them.

Most my life, I was pretty unhealthy. I was really overweight and malnourished. And that kind of being my normal like that lack of energy, I just grew accustomed to. And when I was in my early 20s, I was kind of introduced to cold pressed juice. It was that gateway. It was like that first step. You know you drink a green juice in the morning, and all of a sudden, I want eat cleaner. I want to work out. I knew I really wanted to take this new found knowledge and pursue it professionally.

So when we started Pressed, we got a cupcake shop in West LA to give us their kitchen at night. And I would make juice from about, I think, from 10:00 PM to 4:00 AM every day with two guys from Craigslist. Of course we focus in nutrition and we focus on taste. But what we really kind of focusing on constantly is accessibility and affordability. And that’s what really differentiates us from all of the other players. We’re $6.50 and we’re getting ready to lower that price to $5. I feel that every time we open a shop, we’re, in a way, bettering the community. You know, we’re flooding it nutrients and vitamins. And we’re kind of taking away the products that we know we shouldn’t be consuming.

Starting the business and also just adhering to a much healthier lifestyle has made my overall life so much healthier. I’m up at 5:00 almost every day, just, like, without an alarm. I try to be outdoors a bit. So whether I, like, run down to the beach or I go on a hike with my dog. It sets my time for the rest of the day. I’m really confident in my ability to lead this, creating the goals and leading us to getting there. I am also aware of my weaknesses, and I have no problem with acknowledging them. I think I’m much more than a leader than a manager. I’m not, like, a finance guy.

“Come here!”

More than anything, I feel really grateful and really fortunate to be in such kind of position. As more as I pinching myself, like, is this real? We’ve accomplished so much in what feels like a short seven years. But there’s so much to still do. When you kind of start thinking of our mission for all, and really making high nutrition accessible, that is what keeps us ourselves what really exciting are the white space and the opportunity.




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  1. 沉着+


    2018年12月23日 13:58来自移动端 回复
    • 滨森


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