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口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告

Sight Interpreting Target Domain:
An Empirical Study of Eye-Tracking Fixations
康志峰 复旦大学
本研究以所教授的非英语专业 83 名学生译员为研究对象,以眼动跟踪靶域(TD)注视点记录为研究方法,探究眼动跟踪占位注视点与视译绩效的相关度。通过眼动跟踪 TD 占位注视点实验数据解析、SPSS 统计计算以及 TD 占位注视点与绩效检验,得出以下结论:1)被试 TD 占位注视点的数量与其绩效表层不构成正比,亦不成反比;2)被试无论其绩效高低,其 TD 占位注视点注视时间长度与绩效亦无表层差异;3)成绩较好的被试 TD 占位注视点相对集中,而成绩较差的被试 TD 占位注视点相对散乱;4)成绩好与成绩差的被试 TD 占位注视点的数量、注视时间长度以及 TD 占位注视点的集中度凸显其深层差异性。进而析出,心理词典、LTM 信息、双语转换技能等是影响学生译员眼动跟踪 TD 占位注视点数量和时间的主要因素。鉴于此,采取相应的心理词典扩大策略、预制语块策略、灵动认知策略以及熟练双语转换策略等可以增加 SI 绩效。
This study investigates the sight interpreting behaviors by 83 undergraduate interpreters of non-English majors and, through the methodology of eye-tracking TD fixation recordings, explores the extent of correlation between the occupying fixations and their performances. The analyses are conducted on the big data through the experiments of eye-tracking occupying fixations, SPSS calculation, TD occupying fixations and performance tests. The results show that:
1) The number of TD occupying fixations in SI is superficially not proportionate to the performances of SI, nor inversely proportional to it;
2) the testees with different performances have similar surface duration of TD occupying fixations in SI;
3) the testees with higher scores focus more on the relative concentration of TD, while those with lower scores scatter their occupying fixations;
4) the testees with high scores and those with low ones highlight their deep differentiations from the perspective of number, duration and concentration of TD occupying fixations.
And the further analyses show that mental lexicon, LTM information, bilingual transforming skills are the main factors that affect the number and length of the student interpreters’ occupying fixations. In view of this, the corresponding mental lexicon expansion strategies, prefabricated chunking strategies, flexible cognitive strategies and skilled bilingual transforming strategies should be taken in order to achieve Synergistic performances of SI.
康志峰,复旦大学外国语言文学学院教授,博士,博士生导师,中国翻译认知研究会会长,《翻译研究与教学》主编,中国生态翻译和认知翻译学会副会长,中国语言教育研究会常务理事,中国修辞学会副会长,中国翻译协会专家会员。任国家社科项目以及省部级社科项目盲 审 专 家 、 美 国 Science Publishing Group 的 International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation 等 3 家期刊,国内 5 家外语名刊口译学研究、翻译学研究、应用语言学等稿件盲审专家和期刊编委。曾在美国马里兰圣玛丽大学教学,访问过哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、剑桥大学等多所国外大学并做学术报告,在国内的财富论坛、远程教育、花卉博览会等做过多次同声传译、交替传译、联络口译等。获部级奖项 2 项,卡西欧奖 10 项。主持国家项目、省部级研究项目等 10余项。在International Journal of Language and Linguistics, Journal of Literature and Art Studies 等国际期刊,《外语与外语教学》、《外语教学》等国内外期刊发表期刊论文 100 多篇,出版专著、教材等 50 多部。
★★★★★ 5/5