China retaliates after new US tariffs

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China retaliates after new US tariffs

China retaliates after new US tariffs

Violet 原创编译

The US and China are raising the stakes of global trade and millions of consumers could soon be feeling the pinch of that. The US officially slammed China with new tariffs on Monday. They cover $200 billion worth of Chinese exports, things like electronic and furniture. For now, it’s a 10% tax,but that’s going to jump to 25% by the end of the year.

And China is not taking it lightly.Just after US imposed their tariffs,Beijing retaliated with tax on $60 billion of US goods to the tune of 5% to 10%.Let’s dig deeper into this back-and-forth.Steven Jiang is in Beijing for us.
中国也没有等闲视之。就在美国宣布提升关税后,中国也向价值6千万的美国商品施加了5%到10%不等的关税。让我们来深入了解一下事件的始末。史蒂文 蒋在北京为我们报道。

Hello to you Steven.Certainly China indicating,as it has before,it will fight back with the US in this escalation.

That’s right,Natalie.They,as promised,have launched their counter-tariffs just a minute after the US tariffs went into effect.    But the Chinese government interestingly also issued a lengthly policy paper just now,on a national holiday to really reiterate its position on the trade war and defend itself.They basically portray themselves as a victim of US trade protectionism and trade bullying and saying this trade relationship has has been the foundation of this bilateral relationship,but the US really ruined it by launching this trade war and imposing tariffs on these billions of dollars of Chinese imports.

Now as you noted,the Chinese counter-tariffs are no longer dollar-for-dollar,because the US imports a lot more from China than the other way around.That’s one of Mr.Trumps original complaints against this trade imbalance.But for its part,many analysts think Chia still has some tricks in its sleeves,they could do a number of things down the road including charging higher tariffs on US imports by imposing some sort of import quota from the US,restricting its citizen from traveling to the US for study and tourism,as well as providing tax relief for Chinese companies affected by US tariffs.

Now they could also make life very difficult for American companies doing business in China.And many big names including Apple,Boeing,and Starbucks are increasingly relying on this market for their profits as you know,Natalie.



