【字幕】蜜蜂如何维持人象之间的和平-Lucy King
王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作
口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告
随着野外空间的缩减,人类和大象面临前所未有的空间和资源争夺战。想象你在半夜醒来,看见一头大象掀掉了你的屋顶在寻找食物。这是某些非洲社区的日常生活。在这场引人注目的演讲中,动物学家露西 · 金(Lucy King)分享了她针对这一日益加剧的矛盾的解决方案:蜂巢制成的围栏——不仅可以将大象隔离在外,同时也能帮助农民建立新的谋生方式。
Lucy King
Human-elephant ambassador
Zoologist Dr. Lucy King helms the Human-Elephant Coexistence Program for the Kenyan research charity Save the Elephants.
Why you should listen
Dr. Lucy King first landed on African soil in Mogadishu Airport at the age of ten months, although it wasn't until she left the heat and turmoil of Somalia for the tranquility of the little Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho that her love for the continent took hold.
King's upbringing in Africa and her fascination with animal-human interactions led her to study zoology, with a focus on a critical problem: How can rural farmers learn to live with the immense pachyderms that raid crops and destroy their farms? With the help of her African neighbors and colleagues at Save the Elephants in Kenya, she developed a method that reduces elephant crop destruction using bees as a natural deterrent. Her unique eco-friendly method of building beehive fences around farm boundaries has reached 19 countries in Africa and Asia, and the buzzing income-generating fences are boosting crop pollination, honey production and coexistence between rural farmers and wild elephants.
★★★★★ 5/5