“(不)尊重”视角下他塑性 话语的元语用分析-冉永平
王华树 | 国内首部聚焦口译技术应用和教学的著作
口笔译教育与评价国际论坛 二号公告
广东外语外贸大学教授,博士生导师、博士后合作导师,教育部人文社科重点研究基地外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心主任;中国语用学研究会副会长、中国话语研究会副会长、广东省外国语言学会副会长等;教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者,中美富布莱特学者(2009-2010)等;期刊《现代外语》主编,是Journal of East Asian Pragmatics (Equinox)、Chinese as a Second Language Research (Mouton)、《中国外语》《外语与外语教学》等期刊编委。已 在Intercultural Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics, Pragmatics and Society, Journal of Politeness Research, Discourse Studies等国际期刊及国内期刊发 表论文100多篇;独立及合作出版《认知语用学》《语用学:现象与分析》《新编语用学概论》《词汇语用探新》等著作。研究方向主要为语用学、话语研究等。
中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会前身是中国语用学研究会(英文名称是China Pragmatics Association,缩写为CPrA)成立于2003年12月。本学会是由语用学习者、工作者自愿组织的社会学术团体,接受中国逻辑学会、社团登记管理机关的业务指导和监督管理,独立运作,秘书处设在广东外语外贸大学。
China Pragmatics Association
China Pragmatics Association (CPrA), an academic body formerly affiliated to
Chinese Society of Rhetoric (CSR) and now to Chinese Society of Logic (CSL), was founded in December2003, with its secretariat based at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS).While it is under the guidance and supervision of CSL, CPrA enjoys adequate operational independence.
CPrA is home to its over 600 members, who are learners and professionals keen on pragmatics. It aims at popularizing pragmatics in China, promoting the disciplinary construction of pragmatics, and bridging domestic and international pragmatics research, in an effort to make substantial contributions to the field in China and beyond. CPrA is dedicated to providing excellent service, enhancing normalization and promoting internationalization.
CPrA sets the following tasks and responsibilities on its agenda, including: 1) to carry out both theoretical and applied research on pragmatics as a means to achieve its ultimate goal; 2) to promote the academic exchanges between Chinese and international pragmatics scholars and researchers as a way to advance pragmatics studies; 3) to host the annual national conference on pragmatics every other year as a platform to bring latest pragmatics issues into discussion; 4) to set up symposiums or seminars on pragmatics at times as part of its talent development plan; 5) to accredit outstanding pragmatics books or papers from related research groups or researchers; 6) to assign and certify memberships such as the honorary president, honorary members, consultants, standing committee members, committee members, etc.; 7) to compile and publish the CPrA journal, pragmatics books and other products.
There are mainly three types of CPrA membership: individual, group and honorary. After applying to the CPrA committee for membership in a written statement, applicants who endorse the CPrA regulations while showing interest in pragmatics studies and taking regular part in CPrA events will receive individual membership with the approval of the CPrA committee.
Currently, the individual membership is either a certified one with a CPrA membership card or a notified one without a card. Group memberships are granted to any university or research body who boasts of more than ten individual members, and has applied to and got the approval of the CPrA committee. In this case, the group members are entitled to host local academic or teaching events in the name of CPrA. Honorary memberships are approved and granted by the CPrA standing committee, to recommended applicants who well recognize the CPrA regulations and have made remarkable contributions in the field of pragmatics.
The CPrA committee stands as an authoritative body, and the committee members, elected by the members’ congress, speak for the CPrA members. Committee members enjoy a four-year tenure and are eligible to be re-elected consecutively. To qualify as a CPrA committee member, one shall be an associate/full professor, or have a doctoral degree and has published papers or research works on pragmatics in renowned journals or periodicals. The standing committee members, the president and the vice presidents, shall be full professors/researchers. During the intervals between committee sessions, the standing committee, formed at the plenary session of the CPrA committee through election, will assume its duty. The standing committee is responsible for naming through election a president and several vice presidents, and setting up a secretariat thereunder to cope with the routine work. The secretary-general and the deputy-secretary-general shall be first nominated by the president and then approved and appointed by the standing committee. The CPrA committee is encouraged to have noted public figures, top scholars and leaders as special members or consultants to attain its goals of further development.
★★★★★ 5/5